
Darjeeling, affectionately known as "Queen of the Hills," is an ideal gateway for people looking to be in tune with nature, nestled among the undulating slopes with the gleaming Mt Kanchenjunga towering above the azure sky. This is the home of the muscatel-flavored Darjeeling tea, which is highly regarded by tea enthusiasts all over the world. This is the home of the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway, a world heritage site where the century-old tiny steam engine still chugs upwards, battling for space with the fast-vanishing Land Rovers. "Flowers can be found in plenty. The days are chilly, and the sun appears to be playing hide-and-seek with us." Rabindranath Tagore, Kabiguru Darjeeling in the post-modern age is undoubtedly made up of six T's: tea, teak, tourism, toy train, Tiger Hill, and trekkers' paradise.